Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Personal Statement On The Ending Of A Friendship - 1628 Words

Introduction The band, Semisonic once sang in their hit song â€Å"Closing Time†, â€Å"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end†. I was lucky to stumble upon this lyric as I began writing my relationship analysis paper on the ending of a friendship because it helped me realize that just because this friendship may have failed, I’ve learned so much from it and I’ve learned what being a friend truly is. I have gotten to experience new beginnings from the ending of the one I had with Julie and have been able to grow from it. During my sophomore year of high school, I struggled with finding my identity. Was I the druggy, the goody two shoes, the athletic one? I had no idea. In math class one day a girl reached out to me though, and I thought I was finally going to find my identity. But, to my dismay I learned that my identity was not going to be found in Julie, I would have to find and create it myself. In this paper I will be analyzin g my friendship with Julie using Knapp’s Stages of Relational Development and I will also be applying two concepts, similarity and self-disclosure to the relationship from the book, Understanding Human Communication. Part 1: Case Analysis As I said earlier, I struggled with finding my identity and my close niche of friends during the beginning my sophomore year of high school. In my algebra class I finally made a friend I thought who could, possibly become my best friend. Julie and I had been acquaintances for a while. We went to middleShow MoreRelatedHow Social Media Has On Our Society1010 Words   |  5 PagesIn â€Å"Faux Friendship,† associate professor William Deresiewics discusses the affect that social media has on our society. Deresiewics originally published this piece in The Chronicles of Higher Education in December 2009, but this piece has been published in The Nation, The American Scholar, The London Review of Books, and The New York Times. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

How Have Your Eating Habits Changed Since You Joined College Free Essays

Virginia Mwangi Name of institution Subject name September 24, 2011 Eating habits In a nutshell, I can describe the change in my eating habits since I joined college as transference from one distinct end of a continuum to the other. This is because they changed from healthy to unhealthy, regular to irregular and from eating in plentitude to small meals. The paucity of my pocket was partially responsible for the shift from plenty to minimal. We will write a custom essay sample on How Have Your Eating Habits Changed Since You Joined College? or any similar topic only for you Order Now With the little allowances my mom gave me for upkeep, no one was more adroit at achieving the intricate balance between my need to be stylish and food. Consequently, my meals were reduced to what may be considered by many as mere snacks. In essence therefore, the pounds I lost from eating less were compensated for adequately by my cheap but trendy dressing. On the other hand, it never really occurred to me that my college eating habits were a far cry from being healthy. The fact that mine were not exactly exceptional from those of the rest of the students contributed significantly to this. In addition, although we as students had a wealth of information on appropriate diets, we simply did not have a variety of nutrient packed food in our environment to choose from. Moreover, the readily available sumptuous fries retailed at student sensitive prices provided us with the impetus to eat unhealthy. The irregularity of my meals was not of my own making but was due to my hectic course schedule. Prior to joining college, I adhered to my meal times to the clock. However, this proved a daunting task in college since the time schedules did not strictly observe meal times. In particular, my tutorial schedule had the tenacity of coinciding with regular eating times. In conclusion, reflecting back on how my eating habits changed since I joined college makes my heart pause. In particular, the irregularity and paucity that came to characterize my meals was simply incredulous. The concept of eating healthy also seems to have been conspicuously absent as far as my eating habits in college were concerned. How to cite How Have Your Eating Habits Changed Since You Joined College?, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Essay About Team Development & Performance

Question: Write an essay about team development performance. Answer: Reference Introduction Team development in the workplace is the most essential approach as it helps to create an effective team which enables to give quality result. The development of the team is directly related to the performance of the organization. The effectiveness of an organization and the leaders enables to bring an effective team for the organization. The effectiveness of the organization enabled them to make an effective and efficient team for the organization. Ford Motor Company is the leading international automobile industry of the country. The companys performance is related with its effective team. It relates with the development of the team and the effectiveness attached with it. The effective and efficient team enables the organization to have high performance. The most important strategy of the Ford Motor is to develop the design of the Best Practices in the diverse group. The Best Practices were initiated to develop the team effort among the members. Each of the team members of the Best Practices enables to develop the team members from the meetings with the updated version. The company used the deployment of the flowchart which was used to deliver the best method in a quick way. It enables to move the team from the development and the optimization of the business practice (Shin et al. 2012). Background The Ford Motor Company is one of the leading automobile multinational American multinational companies. It was established in the year of 1903 from the vision of Henry Ford with its headquarter in the Dearborn, Michigan which is a suburb of Detroit. The senior executive of the company William Clay Ford and the Marks Field makes the vision for the employees to work united and in a global enterprise so that people can better service and comforts through the automotive and the mobility leadership. The company employs to give the best quality of service. It is committed to provide quality product to the customers throughout the world. Ford has built the first gasoline-powered vehicle which was known as Quadricycle. In the year of 1919 was reincorporated by his spouse Clara and his child Edsel for acquire the full possession of the business. The company produces passengers cars along with the trucks and the tractors and the automotive parts along with the accessories (Fields 2016). Figure 1 Revolution of the history of Ford Motor Compnay The first production of 1909 has enabled the first production which was the Model A it has the floor engine with the sale of $850. He then produced Model C in the year of 1909 and later he introduced the Model B. the companys production of Model T or rather Tin Lizzie enabled in the year of 1909 become the most popular for the next 17 years because of its low price. Though, after the World War II the production slowed down. Again, in the year of 1960 the competition increased and Ford became the one of the top manufacturer in the automobile industry. The company planned to introduce some care in the coming year. They planned to introduce the care as it would provide efficient fuel economy with the incorporation of smart technology with the incorporation of modern design. The cars like 2017 Raptor, Ford GT, 2017 Super Duty and 2017 Chassis Cab is all coming in the next year (Fields 2016). Stages of the Team Development The stages of the Team Development is first incorporated through five stages of forming, storming, Norming, Permorming and the Adjourning. Psychologist Bruce Truckman enabled the model to the teams of an organization need to follow in the path for their way of high performance (Dochy et al. 2013). Ford is a company which has the most important advantage for forming a cohesive team which enables them to become one of the leading companies in the automobile sector. The stages describe the challenges that each team need to face for strive the work together and formation of a cohesive team. The role of Henry is the most important factor for the development of the company. The behavior of the leader enables to adapt the change in the development for the needs of the group. The effectual leader whom the rest employees of the team wants to follow is crucial at what time the group is demanding for improvement during the stage that are widespread to most teams (Wright 2013). Figure 2: Stages of Team Development The model on the stage of the team development can be further developed and added in the model. Forming- The first step is the forming of the group. In this stage the team member are mostly encouraging and polite. Though, a few could be worried as they have not completely understood the effort that makes a team. In this stage the leader is the most prevailing role because in this step the position and responsibilities of the team member are not apparent. In this stage the people enable to start united and the team makes an effort to know their colleagues. In this regard the Ford Motor company Henry ford played an significant part for establishing the expansion of team in the formation of the company. All the team member of the Ford enabled to develop to make the work united for their initial development. Storming- The second stage is the storming stage. This stage defines the conflict of the team members for their working style. The result of the different working style enables to cause some unforeseen problems for which cause tension and dissatisfaction among the employees. In this stage the team members can challenge the authority or the positions of the roles. The main question arises during this stage the goal of the team and it can cause the resistance of taking any further tasks. Norming- The third stage is the norming stage it is the stage in which team start to resolve the differences and appreciate the strength of the other members and along with that respects the authority as a leader. Performing- The team at the time reaches the stage of performing when they work hard without any coalition between themselves and achieve the goal of the teams. The leader again plays an important part in the performing stage as they concentrate to develop the members of the team (Hawkins 2014). Adjourning- In this stage the development team exist only for a permanent phase and the permanent team can get disband because of the reformation of the organization. Team members will find difficult to develop the relationships with the colleagues and particularly the future looks uncertain (Project Smart 2012). Every organization has to go through the five stages from their formation till their present existence. The leaders play the most important part in all the stages as, the team members in these stages dependent on them. The effectiveness and the efficiency would enable to build a strong team which on the other hand enables to provide the performance of them. Organizational Structure of the Ford Motor Company The Company Ford Motor has a team which is based on the business needs of the different market. The team and its development of any firm define from the configuration of the components of the team along with the system of interaction. The team of the Ford Motor Companys organizational structure depends directly on the condition of the worldwide automotive industry (Ashkenas et al. 2015). The strong team development of Ford Motor enables to make an international scope through the determination of the development of structure by the company and enables to withstand united against the competition and the market risks. For secures the second biggest U.S automobile manufacturing company because of its strong team unity and development which enables to provide growth and high performance (Weiss 2014). The organizational structure of the company is made to oversee the operation control according to different market condition. Ford follows the Corporate Hierarchy in its development of the team. For instance the Executive Vice President used to account to the CEO Mark Fields. While the middle mangers account to the Executive Vice President. Such structure for the development of team is the company ensures to traditional approach for the team development which aims for the effective top-down control (Ashkenas et al. 2015). Figure 3: Organizational Structure of Ford Motor Company There are various departments of team in Ford Motor Company. Each team has a different organizational structure which has different functional groups. The Vice President leads each of the head of the team. The main team which deals with the different teams are the Global Marketing Sales and Service, Global Manufacturing and Labor affairs, Human Service and the Corporate Service, Global Product Development, Quality and The New Model Launch, The Global Purchasing, The Government and Community Relations, communication, Legal, The Finance and Accounting (Weiss 2014). Entrepreneurial Team The entrepreneurial team comprises of the group of individuals which has expertise who belongs from diverse background. The team members are involved to implement as well as develop the implementation of innovative and creative ideas for the new product and the services or the existing ones. During the time of 1980 the Ford motor company suffered from the lagging of auto sales and the face several competitions from the international manufacturers. The executives of the company decided to capitalize the strength of the competitors. This made them to form the entrepreneurial group which comprise of the members with the initiatives of new growth (Blackwood et al. 2014). The first step they took in this regard is the five-year process which consists of the designing, building and the production of a new automobile. Though, it was looking as if the planners of the product initiated a basic concept. But, in a broad way the designers develop the look. The ideas are translated by the engineers into some specifications. The second step involves is suppliers and the manufacturers for the prices of the design. Each of the group worked in a vacuum (Dilek and Ascigil 2014). The executive team of the company made a new approach for the purpose of producing the Taurus. The company allocated with $3 billion for the allocation of the approach on the new group which is known as Team Taurus. The project they initiated involved the approach of the team. The team involvement is the main criteria for the development of the team. All the team members of the functional departments got involved with the team. It consists of the team which involves the planning, designing, engineering and the manufacturing cooperation. The main responsibility of the team is to develop the new auto. The advantages in the field of team approach became immediately apparent (Dufays and Huybrechts 2015). Each department of the team involves the design which made them to resolve the problem quickly. The team could involve in the process of the representation of the team and create a sub teams to perform in the investigation of the work. For this it better could make through a example such as one sub-team was involved in the designing of the comfortable and the easy-to-use of the seats. Another study is to make an effective reduction in the amount of the part which is use in the process of production. Though, the biggest involvement in this would be for the team who actually build the cars (Mrkajic et al. 2014). Quality circles are the ones who are associated with the process of the total quality management (TQM). Quality Circle is also known as quality improvement team. It comprise of small groups of the employees who enables to solve the problem in relation to quality and the productivity. The main target of the team is to generate improvement. Monsanto developed the team for the approach to solve the problem of the Ford Motor Company (Subbulakshmi et al. 2014). Figure 4: Quality Circle Ford approached Monsanto in the incident that the product of Monsano and Safles which was used for the lamination of the windshields started to experience with troubles. The extent of the materials which got changed among the times the products left the plant of Monsanto and arrive at the Fords facilities. Monsanto first step was to assemble the group of quality control. The team could able to trace the problem of packaging, designing of a new prototype and tested it implementing it in the new process of packaging. Ford satisfied with the response of the Ford. The problem got solved just within two months and it became possible because of Monsantos management in the team building and the selection of the right people for the performance in the task effectively and efficiently (Kaushik and Bisht 2016). Leadership Development The main effectiveness in development of the team is engaged in the development of leadership. An effective development of the leadership could enable a organization to organize and develop effectiveness in the team members which would make them to give quality service through the performance. Leaders are the one who make the team (Komives and Wagner 2012). The efficiency and the effectiveness of the team members depend upon the development of the team. Ford Motor Company applied the leadership development as the crucial part in the development of the team. The development of team for the benefit of the employees is the crucial vision of the organization to build quality products for the products. They focus to create the most important thing in crating the most skilled as well as motivated workforce in the organization. The develop the team through the investing in the employees and strengthening the technical as well the leadership quality for the recognition of delivering result w hich in return gives success. The main is recognized for the best learning and the excellence in the development parts. The organization initiated a learning culture so that employees could enable to learn new things and adapt according to the change. The development of the Ford depends upon the two categories firstly, the functional or the technical and secondly the leadership. The company offer worldwide development programs on the leadership. The leadership programs includes the following of self developing other, insight, team effectiveness, operating in the global environment, building relationships, and creation of the leadership environment (Mendenhall and Osland 2012). Ford Motor Company after the World War II hired the ten former officers of the Air Force who gained fame for the management system which created the aid on the making of the decisions as the top generals (Leitch et al. 2013). The team developed the financial and the corporate system of management for the revolution of the organization. So, it was from the early days that the leaders contribution in making an effective team contributes an important approach. The leaders are efficient to build a team and deliver result with that. In the present scenario of the Ford Moto Company the effective management practices through the integration of the goals to develop the team so that they could contribute effective result (Yang 2014). 8D Problem Solving Process Ford Motor Company has initiated the 8 Disciplines in the process Problem Solving which got in print in the year of 1987. It called as tops or the Team Oriented Problem solving. It was developed to help the team members in the issues related with the quality control and the safety. It develops modified permanent solutions for the problems and made the prevention of the problems for the recurring (Kumar and Singh 2015). The process consists under some points which are listed below. Figure 5: 8D Problem Solving Process The plan begins to state that before the addressing of the problem the organization need to plan the approach. It means to think about the team and the framing of the time. Discipline 1: Build the Team The first step is to initiate skills which are needed for solving the problem and has the time to solve the problem. It says to initiate a diverse team as it will enable to provide creative solution. The team charter needs to create for the identification of the goal of the team. Further, it stated that if the team members have not yet worked together then it is needed to consider the activities regarding the team building so that every employee would be (Kaplk et al. 2013). Discipline 3: Implement of Temporary Fix After the team recognizes the difficulty they need to approach with a temporary fix. It ensures that each person enables to use the brainstorming and the techniques suggested are the Round Robin Brainstorming or the Crawfors Slip Writing Method. Discipline 4: Identify and the elimination of the root cause After temporary fix enables to learn main reason which are related with the problem. In this regard the Ford Motor Company enables to conduct a cause as well as Effect Analysis to identify the problem. The next which can be applied is the Root Cause Analysis which would enable to identify the cause of the problems which are identified. Discipline 5: Verify the solution The next step is to verify the solution. It should include conduct a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis so to mark the potential troubles on it. The point is the use of Impact Analysis which is to make the consequences of the unexpected future. Another method suggested by the Ford Motor Company is to use the six thinking hats for the approach of the different emotional perspectives. Discipline 7: Prevent From Recurring After the assurance for the permanent solution to solve the problem the team need to be gathered and identify the prevention for the recurring it in the future. This enables the need to update the organizations procedures, policies, standards or the training in the manual reflects of the new fix. The organization also initiates the plan further to develop training on the new process or the standard. Discipline 8: To Celebrate the Team Success Final process is a procedure to give rewards the team for the success. They need to be appreciated for the involvement and their contribution of hard work. Before the disbanding of the team Ford Motor Company suggested analyzing the solution is working the way it was thought or the improvement needed to solve the problems in the future. Figure 6: The Reactive Solving Process Conclusion Team development depends on the efficiency of not only the team members but the organizations. It gives how well the leaders are utilizing the team so to make the approach of development of the team more successful. Ford is the one of the leading auto mobile multinational company with its base in America. The company developed an effective plan through the team development. Discussion on the entrepreneurial development shows the efficiency of the Ford in the team management for m its earlier days. The organizational structure is also effective for the development of the team. The Ford approach on the 8D models for the team development shows its efficiency in development. Reference list: Ashkenas, R., Ulrich, D., Jick, T. and Kerr, S., 2015.The boundaryless organization: Breaking the chains of organizational structure. John Wiley Sons. Blackwood, T., Hatt, L., Pugalis, L. and Round, A., 2014. Fostering an Entrepreneurial Team Based Learning Environment. Broadpact. (2013).Storming in the Forecast. Dilek, T. and Ascigil, S., 2014. Antecedents of Innovativeness: Entrepreneurial Team Characteristics and Networking.Journal of Innovation Management,2(1), pp.83-103. Dochy, F., Kyndt, E., Decuyper, S. and Van den Bossche, P., 2013. Examining how group development stages relate to team-level learning behaviour. Dufays, F. and Huybrechts, B., 2015. Where do hybrids come from? Entrepreneurial team heterogeneity as an avenue for the emergence of hybrid organizations.International Small Business Journal, p.0266242615585152. Fields, (2016).Home. [online] Ford Corporate. Hawkins, P., 2014.Leadership team coaching: Developing collective transformational leadership. Kogan Page Publishers. Kaushik, S.K. and Bisht, V.S., 2016. Quality Circle: A Modern Management Tool for Libraries.Indian Journal of Library and Information Science,10(1), p.35. Komives, S.R. and Wagner, W., 2012.Leadership for a better world: Understanding the social change model of leadership development. John Wiley Sons. Kumar, S. and Singh, D., 2015. IMPLEMENTING 8D MODEL OF PROBLEM SOLVING IN EMPLOYEE TURNOVER: A STUDY OF SELECTED HOTELS IN DELHI AND RAJASTHAN.Journal of Kashmir for Tourism and Catering Technology,2(2). 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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Michigan School for the Deaf free essay sample

Through the years the school has faced many challenges such as: funding, maintenance, up keep of advancing technology and enrollment. The single most important issue is funding without funding there would be no residential school for the deaf children and the would be forced to be mainstreamed into public school. I propose that parents should be told about Michigan School for the Deaf. Driving down Miller Road in Flint, Michigan and you are probably wondering what the old buildings standing there are for and what came about to how the school Michigan School for the Deaf became about? I will help you better understand. MSD was started in 1848, but it did not start out as MSD. Heck, they didnt even know what they were going to call it or where it was going to be located, they just knew the deaf and blind needed a school to go to as well as â€Å"normal† students. We will write a custom essay sample on Michigan School for the Deaf or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A State Legislature Governor Ransom, who just so happened to be the governor at the time, wanted to give the idea of having a joint school for the deaf and dumb and blind. A guy by the name of E. H. Thomson proposed a bill to establish an institution called Michigan Asylum for Educating the deaf and dumb and blind. The bill was later enacted into a law and signed April 3rd, 1848. It took a good 28 years to get a school started. In the 1820s a state sponsored school was proposed to be established in Detroit, Michigan but it was never materialized. A few students who were blind were taught in a preparatory school at the University of Michigan located in Romeo, Michigan during the 1840s. Children in the 1840s were not educated in programs, Michigan did not send deaf and blind students to schools like many other states were practicing. Villages of Flint, Romeo, and Kalamazoo extended offers of donations of land, cash, and building materials. In November 1849, the board selected the proposed site for the hospital for the insane and the also the proposed for the school. The hospital was to be located in Kalamazoo and the school was in Flint. The funding law was passed in 1848, but because of financial difficulties the school did not start until 1854. In the year of 1851 the board voiced the idea to joint the deaf and blind because having a separate school was out of the question. They proposed the idea of having of having erected class rooms suitable and separate for the deaf and blind. Students who could afford the school financially, were the suitable age, and had the strength would board in the Village of Flint, the students who couldnt afford were accommodated under the charge of the Principle. The month of November in 1853 the board offered Reverend Barnabas Maynard Fay the position of Principle. Fay had previous experience as a teacher at Indiana Institution for the Blind and the Institution for Deaf and Dumb in New York. January 1854, Fay was appointed and the school was to open February 1, 1854 in Flint. February 6, 1854 the first student was enrolled, April 18, 1854 it was reported they had 12 students, 11 deaf mute and one blind. Thirteen years later an act was passed to change the name of Michigan Asylum to Michigan Institution for Educating the Dead and Dumb and the Blind. In 1879, the blind were separated the school for the blind from the school for the deaf. In 1887 Michigan School for the Deaf was given, not sure what year Michigan School for the Blind was relocated to Lansing, Michigan. As of 1937 MSD became jurisdiction of the State Board of Education and still remains to this day. (deaftartars. com) You may be wondering why I am writing a proposal for MSD when I am neither deaf or blind. Its a simple answer, family. My grandpa is a Tartar alumni, being deaf mute and completely blind. He was not always blind, but he has been deaf since the day he was born. My family moved from Arkansas to Michigan for the school. You are probably once again thinking, are you guys crazy? No, we are not, they just wanted best from their highly intelligent son. A lot of people degrade deaf and blind individuals, they see them as being different from us so they automatically call them dumb. It hurts when I hear these individuals being called that because I know first hand that they are not anywhere near that. They have to retain a bunch of knowledge in their brain as well as us, but the difference they have to use their hands where we use are mouths. It is an even harder task because just like us they have to learn different languages also. You are probably really confused as to how a deaf and blind person communicates am I right? I will inform you, it is a lot harder then a regular deaf person. They use what is called tactile sign language, it is when the person talking takes the other persons hand and signs into the palm of the hand, but only using one hand most of the time. Luckily, my grandpa was one of the lucky was to get a great education considering there are a lot of them that are not as lucky example, Matt Hamill. Matt Hamill, found out at a very young age that he was profoundly deaf. His grandfather would not let him go to a school that would help him better learn how to communicate with every day people. He became a star wrestler, even got into Purdue University. Soon to be kicked out because he was not taught sign language and could not comprehend what the interrupters were saying to him, let alone what they were doing. Matt later went to Rochester College of Technology (RTC). There he learned everything he needed to know and became a National Champion Wrestler. Michigan School for the Deaf, is not only for deaf students. MSD is also a school of choice for anyone, but it definitely an expensive school. Tuition is $30,600 and for the resident intermediate school district it is $9,500. Many parents of deaf children do not know that there is a school for deaf children, reasoning why enrollment is down and why MSD does not have a lot of funding. (The Hammer) The amount of enrollment for MSD has gone down so far over the years which is causing some major funding for the school. Public schools get $9,000 for each deaf student that is enrolled into their school district. Most of the students and their parents do not even know that Michigan School for the Deaf even exist. I believe in order to get funding up at MSD a group of people need to go from school district to school across Michigan and have an assembly or a benefit for these parents. They can sit down and talk about what can happen at Michigan School for the Deaf for their child, why it is a better ideal school for their child to go to, and why their school district will not tell them about MSD. I bet you didnt know that for every deaf child a public school has they get $9,000, that is $9,000 that MSD does not et because if that child leaves the district to go to MSD that district loses that money and has to give it to MSD. Deaf culture is a very hard culture to understand. A lot of time learning their language and learning how they have to learn is a very hard way. Its not easy teaching a deaf child math. You have to make sure you never mix the numbers up or how you sign a very long equation. The public school really isnt using the money other then to pay an interrupter for each deaf child that is at that school. They get paid anywhere from $30-$70/hour. For one week of a school year saying that the child attends school for 35 hours that week, that interrupter earns $2,450 just one week! So in all honesty that school is losing money rather then gaining it from/for that child. Even fundraisers for the school would help. Like do a huge sporting event, say that Powers Catholic football team plays a huge game there and half the proceeds go to MSD or even showing movies like The Hammer and paying three dollars to watch it and having snacks where all the proceeds go to the school. I just think that more parents need to know that Michigan School for the Deaf is there so that their child gets a better education for their situation. If Michigan School for the Deaf does not get their funding up they are going to have to shut down and main stream all of their students into public schools. I believe that every parent with a deaf child is a very lucky parent. My grandparents are both deaf and they are highly intelligent. My grandpa is deaf and blind he is what people call the wooden toy maker. He carves fire trucks, old ford trucks, helicopters, and trains out of wood. He has been doing this 1991. my grandpa has no idea what we look like but he knows its us by a simple wave of hi in his hand or a handshake. A lot of people I know call deaf people dumb, but they are far from that. I bet if every person got a chance to have a conversation one to one with a deaf person they would think completely different of how they see each person. They are unique in their own way just like every other person in this world. I think it is amazing how they have a school to go to for their environment as well as we have one for ours. I think taking that away from them is cruel and horrible. Having a child that is deaf is a remarkable thing, do not let something that has been around for years be taken away because someone can afford to keep it up and running. This state needs to understand that they have a historical building in their hands, they need to figure out a way to keep it up and running. Remember, No Child Left Behind. Work Cited Michigan School for the Deaf. January 2011. December 2011 . Debbie Jenkins. Personal interview. December 2011. Harold Riley. Personal interview. December 2011. The Hammer. Dir. Oren Kapal. Perf. Russell Harvard, Raymond J. Barry, and Shoshannah Stern. 2011. Film.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Enlightened Despots essays

Enlightened Despots essays Why do you think Joseph II of Austria, Catherine II of Russia and Frederick II of Prussia earned the title of Enlightened Despots? Joseph II of Austria, Catherine II of Russia, and Frederic II of Prussia all made reforms and changes that were ideas of the Enlightenment. They all wanted to further their country and increase the peoples rights. They were called Enlightened Despots and were rulers who tried to justify their absolute rule by getting the peoples interest. They did this through good laws, fair taxes, improving society, and overall promoting human happiness. Philosophers like Voltaire encouraged and even instructed these enlightened despots. Voltaire believed change had to come from above, the monarchs, and not from the people. The enlightened rules of Prussia, Russia, and Austria were able to combine their need for an effective monarch with the need for economic, educational, and social reform. Some of the most noted enlightened despots were Joseph II of Austria, Catherine II of Russia, and Frederick the Great of Prussia. Frederick the Great was King of Prussia and invited Voltaire to his court to find knowledge about how to rule his people in Enlightened ways. Frederick made many social reforms that were toward Enlightenment ideals. He did away with the torture system of accused criminals. He improved the educational system and provided education to most everybody. Education was a major idea in the Enlightenment and was supposed to be observed. Toleration and freedom of religion were very important. Voltaire was especially strong in his position about freedom of religion and toleration. He wrote many books about it, like Candide. Frederick allowed his subjects to believe in whatever religion they desired. Frederick promoted industry, agriculture, and commerce. With the assistance of French experts, he reorganized the system of indirect taxes, which soon provided the state with more revenue ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Words for Names of People

Words for Names of People Words for Names of People Words for Names of People By Mark Nichol Words that include the element nym, and some that include nom, pertain to names and naming. Such terms as anonymous (literally, â€Å"without a name†) and pseudonym (â€Å"false name†) are ubiquitous, but most others in this class are more or less obscure. This post lists and defines such terms that pertain to individuals and groups of people. An allonym (â€Å"other name†) is the name of one person employed as a pseudonym by one or more other people, as in the case of the name Publius, the non de plume of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, which called back to Publius Valerius Publicola, a founder of the Roman Republic. (â€Å"Non de plume† itself, and â€Å"nom de guerre,† which mean, respectively, â€Å"pen name† and â€Å"war name,† are terms adopted from French that are synonyms of pseudonym.) An anthroponym (â€Å"man name†) is a proper name or a surname. (A gamonym is a name acquired as a result of marriage.) Aptronym is a recent coinage playing on apt, denoting a surname coincidentally appropriate to a person’s profession, such as when someone who makes beer is named Brewer. Autonym (self name)- or the synonym endonym, or â€Å"inner name†- refers to a term used by inhabitants of a place for that place (or themselves or their language), as in Deutsch, the German term for the German language; German is an exonym (â€Å"outer name†). (An ethnonym- people name- is a name for an ethnic group.) A charactonym is a fictitious character’s name that alludes to a quality of that person; literature is replete with such names, including those characterizing combative spouses in the early radio sitcom The Bickersons and the comic strip The Lockhorns. An eponym (â€Å"above name†) is a person, place, or thing after which someone or something is named. A mononym (â€Å"one name†) is a single name, such as Leonardo or Madonna. A patronym (â€Å"father name†), or patronymic, is a name based on a male ancestor’s given name, especially those with prefixes and suffixes integrated into surnames, such as Mac- or Mc- or Fitz- in Gaelic, -ez and -es in Spanish and Portuguese, and -son and variants such as -sen in Germanic languages. The female equivalents are matronym/matronymic; such forms are rare (at least in Indo-European languages), though -dottir is used in Icelandic surnames. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Is Irony? (With Examples)How Long Should a Paragraph Be?Empathic or Empathetic?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Organizational Behavior - Essay Example From the start of its operation, the business organization has recognized that importance of their workforce in the attainment of their organizational goals. As one of their executives put it, â€Å"employees are at the heart of our results† (Newing 2007). In order to pursue employee excellence, the company commits its resources in ensuring the continuous communication between leaders and their staff. American Express strongly believes that it can uphold its tradition of excellence by enabling the staff to learn from the experience of their leaders. Thus, training programs include pairing up a newly hired staff to their business managers who will not only gear him with the skills that he needs in order to fulfill his tasks but will also oversee his growth and development within the organization. Aside from this, the company has also established larger group forums which invite employees to hone their skills. Higher level managers are often responsible in leading these groups. It should also be noted that even managers from another line of business participate in these activities. American Express also employs mentors which are usually executives in another line of business. Staffs are benefit from this coach as he â€Å"provides a strategic perspective on the organization and long-term support through their careers.† The company’s leaders have been active on this noting that constant communication between them and the staff will not only equip employees with the necessary skills but will help the business organization in the fulfillment of its goal of maximizing shareholder wealth. In order to gain feedback in the efficiency of these programs, American Express conducts an anonymous annual survey. The company’s programs appear to be successful indicated by the high participation rate of employees. The business arena has evolved pressuring business organizations to treat their employees as significant resources which

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Analysis Paper - Essay Example These transitions are highly stressful and college years have been known to be the most stressful times in life. This stress is caused by academic, personal and social challenges. Students are expected to perform demanding tasks while adjusting to their new environment under minimal supervision. This stress has a negative impact on them which results to smoking, alcohol abuse and eating disorders. Research has shown that stress experienced in this period decreases mental health which leads to depression and low self esteem. Stress has become a major concern for the millennial student population and there is need to analyze this topic in relation to stress tolerance. It is important to note that people react differently to similar stressors. This paper agrees with this article and shall go into detail to explain why. College years are regarded as being the most stressful time in one’s life. The millennial age bracket has distinct features that entail the way they handle stresso rs. The sole purpose of the research discussed in the text was to make out lifestyle habits and coping approaches that are related to varying levels of stress tolerance among the millennial students in their college years. The methodology applied in this research was a random questionnaire that was conducted in a randomly selected college. The questionnaire included coping strategies, symptoms and checklists for stressors. The subjects were grouped into high stress tolerance and low stress tolerance and the STRs (Stress Tolerance Ratios) determined (Hellen et al. 362). From the results obtained, ten coping factors were connected to high stress tolerance, nine were put one in a situation of low stress tolerance while one was a protective factor. According to the findings of the study, it is clear that the lifestyle habits and coping mechanisms presently being used are ineffective. These strategies also put millennial students in a position of low stress tolerance. This article seeks to address the problem of stress experienced by millennial college students during the transition period. The study also identifies the strategies that are linked to low or high stress tolerance. This population is characterized by unique features thereby their stressors are also distinctive (Hellen et al. 365); thus the need for the application of non conventional coping methods. If some coping strategies are efficient, it is possible for students to develop their stress tolerance, not taking action when the stress is out of hand. This article mainly targets the college administration, teachers and general staff. It is an informative article that has information on the causes and symptoms of stress in the learning environment. It can be used as framework for formulating stress coping strategies. The article is also valuable to parents since it helps them to understand behavior of the millennial students and give them the necessary support throughout this period. The subjects themse lves are educated on how to cope with stress and develop high stress tolerance to the highly stressful college period. This is as clearly indicated in the essay. ‘Stress Tolerance: New Challenges for Millennial College Students’ is an effective essay because it is has been written is a clear language, has used supportive evidence to build on its argument and used transition statements to enhance flow. The writer has used simple and clear statements that are easy to read and understand. The essay has clearly

Saturday, November 16, 2019

World War 1 Essay Example for Free

World War 1 Essay In this essay, I am going to explore the similarities and differences between different WW1 poetry. I will be looking into the points that the poems show and comparing them with each other. Different poems are written for different reasons and they are written to show different things. In terms of the realities of war, In Flanders Fields is the only poem that truly shows this. This is because John McCrae wanted to show the realities of war because his friend had died during the war, this meant that McCrae was determined to show the realities of war and not let people think that it was easy or fun as people said it was. We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow (In Flanders Fields) This shows that war isnt all that good. It explains quite bluntly that they are dead, this is to show the harsh realities of war. It represents that they no longer have lives because they are soldiers and so do nothing else but fight. It explains this by using past tense, which shows that it no longer exists. The poem In Flanders Fields also shows mans inhumanity to man. This is also because McCrae is trying to show what war was really like and show the insensitive realities of war. Take up our quarrel with the foe (In Flanders Fields) This shows that people in war did show inhumanity to the opposition because they were not suppose to be a team together, they are fighting. By using the word foe, it is dehumanising the enemy and making them a lesser worth. Also the word take, is an imperative and shows that war isnt fair. This poem is quite clearly not propaganda. On the other hand, some poems were very positive for war and try to show war as a positive thing so that they recruit young men and soldiers and encourage them to enlist. To show war as a positive thing, the poets often used euphemisms for death in order to make it sound good. His lance is broken; but he lies content (The Volunteer) This shows death in a positive way and makes it sound as if it is something good. It shows the reader that even though they have died, they feel good about it and are proud to die for their country. However in the same poem, there are also some negative points which show that the poem is not completely propaganda or positive for war.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

History of Ford Thunderbird :: essays research papers

The Ford Thunderbird, an American classic, is a car manufactured in the United States by Ford Motor Company. It was created only twenty months after Chevrolets Corvette as a comeback car and entered design for the 1955 model year as a two-seater resembling a sports car, which went on sale on October 22, 1954 (Wilson 116). As the Thunderbird was a better performer and cost four hundred and ninety six dollars less, no wonder it sold better. In fact, the sales figure for the first model was nearly four times that of the Corvette (Georgano 122). Through the development of the Ford Thunderbird it has evolved drastically in style and performance over its long history. Although none of this would have happened without the formation of the idea to create what is known as the Ford Thunderbird. There are two stylists credited with the creation of the Thunderbird: Lewis D. Crusoe and George Walker, who later became a chief stylist and a Ford vice-president. They took a trip to Paris, and while they were there they saw a sports car that got their attention. From that moment on, they knew they had to come up with something just like it. They went to work as soon as permission was given from headquarters. Their goal was to have a lightweight sports car with a V-8 engine that accelerated to speeds above 100 mph. They achieved this goal successfully, but they did not meet their projected weight for the car. Crusoe started a clay model of the car and finally gained the acceptance on it in May of 1953 (Wilson 116). Once the model was complete there came about the difficulty in deciding on a name. The designers were completely lost when it came to names but suggestions came pouring in by the thousands. Finally, the designers narrowed it down to just one name â€Å"Whizzer,† but Crusoe was just not satisfied with it. He devised a reward, a two hundred and fifty dollar suit, for anyone who could come up with a better name. It was not long before they received a submission from a designer named Alden Giberson. The name he came up with was â€Å"Thunderbird.† Crusoe approved it and the name was no longer negotiable. His idea for that name surprisingly did not come from the Native American symbol for â€Å"Thunder-bird,† but from a very prominent subdivision in Rancho Mirage, California.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Renaissance Humanism Essay

The Northern European and Italian renaissance period was a time of rebirth of Greek and roman studies, arts, and culture. The people of this time period were call humanists or people who studied Greek and Roman classics and works. The humanism movement not only influenced culture, but it also influenced how the individual was perceived. Humanists encouraged finding oneself whether it is through art, sports, learning and teaching, sciences or mathematics, and they believed one individual could achieve anything they put their minds to. (DOC. 3) The humanists of the Renaissance greatly valued religion even thought they were more focused on the study of human nature and values (DOC. 9). Humanists took it upon themselves to be devoted members of the church and make religion a crucial aspect of their everyday lives. By becoming a more religious individual, they benefited themselves and it was encouraged of humanists to use their connection to the Church to strengthen their relationships with others. One of the most important aspects of the Renaissance that the humanism movement influenced was art. People all over the world began to express themselves and their talents through art and the humanists’ beliefs greatly emphasized Greek and Roman art technique as well. For example, Michelangelo’s sculpture of David emulated the Greek and Roman’s grasp for the physical beauty of the human body and humans’ perfect strength and symmetry (DOC. 1). Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing of the muscles in human arms also emphasized and shed more light on the function, look and anatomy of the human arms, thus making it easier to study and visualize the human body (DOC. 7). Additionally, the population of humanism during the Renaissance influenced the way art became more lifelike. In paintings such as Marriage of the Virgin by Raphael (DOC. 4), the artist utilized aspects such as realism and perspective to give more depth to the painting. There is also a sense of the Roman and Greek admiration of the beauty of the human body in this painting, which was painted with new materials and on new mediums, that were invented during he Renaissance. Humanism greatly influenced scientific and secular studies of the Renaissance as well. One example is the improvement of the telescope in Europe (the telescope was originally invented by the Muslims), which greatly increased the flourishing of science during the Renaissance (DOC. 5). With the help of the telescope, it became easier to study astronomy and view the planets and the rest of outer space. Additionally, the printing press invented by Johann Guttenberg greatly contributed to the increase of learning during the humanist movement because more books were produced and became available (DOC. 10) In conclusion, humanism during the Renaissance transformed the lifestyle of people in Europe and influenced interrelated characteristics of culture such as science, art, and principles of the time period. Because he humanists became enthralled with the world around them and were detersmined to express themselves, the course of history for the Modern Ages was definitely changed for the better.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Marginalization of Aboriginals in the Canadian Justice System

The original people to live in Canada have adapted the name Aboriginals. They were here before the European settlers discovered the continent of North America. When the Europeans arrived in Canada they brought with the many technological advances and customs that the Aboriginals did not know. Although you might think that this would be a very great thing for Aboriginals, it was not very good. The Europeans thought that the aboriginals were very hostile and treated them very badly.The Europeans tried to assimilate the Aboriginal’s culture and force them to become like the Europeanss. The Canadian justice system has marginalized the Aboriginals of Canada for many years. For the first couple hundred years there were many wars between the Europeans and the Aboriginals. But then things started to stabilize and the Aboriginals and the European settlers began to trade amongst one another and become more and more dependent on each other.However, beginning in 1964, immediately followin g the Royal Proclamation, the British began to gain more control over the Aboriginals. They signed numerous treaties with the Aboriginals for them to give up their land in exchange for a sum of money and small reserve lands specifically for the Aboriginal people. However the land the aboriginals were given was very poor and had bad soil which made it hard to farm. The idea of residential schools set out in 1846 and was put into action in the late 1890’s by the Department of Indian Affairs.The whole point of residential schools was deculturalization of aboriginals. However the government didn’t put it so bluntly. They would say that the aboriginals are put in a â€Å"white society† to learn how to become â€Å"better† Canadians. Not only did residential schools commit culture genocide but there was also lots of abuse at the schools. For example, estimates suggest that as many as 60% of the students died (due to illness, beatings, attempts to escape, or sui cide) while in the schools.They would be punished if they did not speak English even though many of the children didn’t know how. The schools were also very poorly funded by the government and the children were usually taught physical labour. Many of these issues have been solved and the government is still doing things today to help mend what they have done to the Aboriginals in the past. However Aboriginals are still very affected at what has been done to them. First Nation communities experience higher rates of violence, domestic abuse, sexual abuse: rape, incest, etc. lack of family and community cohesion, suicide, addictions, alcohol, food, health problem: diabetes, heart disease, obesity, poverty, unemployment, high school dropout (63% do not graduate), despair, hopelessness and more. The Aboriginal community has been marginalized by the Canadian Justice system which has affected them greatly. Hopefully the government will do everything they can to help aboriginal peopl e become healthy members of society and keep their cultures and beliefs.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Use these 10 tools to figure out your ideal career

Use these 10 tools to figure out your ideal career If you’re one of those people who always knew what you were destined to do for your career, from fresh-faced recent grad to wise retiree, that’s amazing! You are already killing it, plan-wise. But chances are you’re more like the rest of us, and are less than 100% sure of what you want to do with your career. At that point, it takes a little more thinking, prodding, and questioning before you can move on to the career plan. Or maybe you’ve already gone down one path, and either don’t like it or need a change. Whatever the case may be, there are lots of great tools out there you can use to figure out what you should be doing with your career. You’ve probably seen those Buzzfeed-style quizzes all over the place, promising to tell you your age, weight, and best life choices based on the pizza toppings you choose. I’m not here to say those aren’t accurate, but if you truly want to figure out what you want to do with your life, it pa ys to dig a little deeper. Luckily, there are some easy, accessible (and dare I say â€Å"fun†?) online tests and surveys that help you channel your personality and your strengths into a job that matches your greatness.Why do personality and aptitude tests work?Personality tests aren’t always career-related, but they can help you get a baseline handle on who you are, what you like, and what circumstances can help you thrive (or, alternatively, what your biggest challenges might be). All of these things are crucial for helping you figure out a long-term path. They also support a fundamental truth about professional life: you can have all the education and skills necessary to do a job, but whether you do it well- and whether it is fulfilling for you- is largely due to your personality. Your personality is often the forgotten part of the job hunt, lost in the shuffle with resume, cover letter, and interview prep. Yet it’s a major component of who you are, and who y ou’d be on the job.Similarly, aptitude tests may help you define skill sets you didn’t realize you had, or didn’t know that you should emphasize. A little self-knowledge can go a long way, especially when it comes to finding a career path that works for you in the long run.Let’s look at a few of the assessments out there.The Color QuizBelieve it or not, your favorite colors can show what careers might be right for you. In this simple, five-minute quiz, your answers are analyzed and returned as potential career matches.Cost: Free to use and get your results.The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) AssessmentThis is the classic personality test, used in many different professional and personal contexts to help people become more self-aware and make decisions based on their personal strength areas. It’s a questionnaire (which you can fill out either online or on paper) designed to assess how you see the world in four different areas: directing and recei ving energy (extroverted vs. introverted); taking in information (sensing vs. intuitive); making decisions (thinking vs. feeling); and approaching the outside world (judging vs. perceiving). It reveals insights about how you form and approach relationships, as well as how you communicate- both factors that can help determine whether you become, say, a lab technician versus a stand-up comedian.Cost: Insights don’t always come for free. The official test is $49.95, but there are also free versions available online as well. As part of the cost, you receive a detailed report analyzing your personality type and communication styles.Truity TypeFinder TestsTruity bases their personality assessments on the 16 different types originally outlined by Isabel Briggs Myers (whose name should sound familiar if you just read about the MBTI). They offer a general personality test (the TypeFinder Personality Test), but also a professionally-focused one (the TypeFinder for the Workplace). There are also smaller, targeted personality quizzes available on the site.Cost: The general TypeFinder assessments (both personality and professional) are $29 apiece, but you can take the shorter personality quizzes on the site for free.PymetricsIf games are more your speed than filling out straight-up questionnaires, then Pymetrics might be a more fun way for you to learn more about your personal and professional styles. The Pymetrics method uses game design to help limit anxiety and biases that might be present in more traditional quizzes and surveys, allowing people to relax and make honest choices instead of overthinking or trying to figure out how to â€Å"score high† on a standardized test. At the end of the process, the Pymetrics reports match job seekers with a subset of potential careers based on neuroscience and their algorithms. This new wave of personality assessment is used by schools and many different kinds of companies to assess potential applicants and recruits.C ost: It’s free to sign up and start playing the games, but there may be costs for detailed reporting and career matchmaking.The MAPP Career AssessmentThis assessment is a 22-minute â€Å"test† (flashback to those No. 2 pencils and scantron sheets!) that asks you 71 questions about your likes and dislikes to gauge your potential career interests. The focus is less on the â€Å"right† answer than on the instinctive one. This test bills itself as the â€Å"mapp† to your â€Å"true calling.† And unlike those old-school pencil-and-paper affairs, this can be done entirely online.Cost: It’s free to get started and take the test, but it costs $89.95-$149.95 to get detailed reports and potential job analysesSokanuSokanu takes your answers from a 20-minute quiz, and compares your interests, personality, and preferences to 100 different traits. At the end of the test, you’re matched to a subset of 800 different jobs. Rather than make general rec ommendations like â€Å"astronaut† or â€Å"ballet dancer,† this test prides itself on using deeper data metrics to make specific career recommendations.Cost: Totally free!My Next MoveThis is a very career-focused assessment put out by the U.S. Department of Labor. Also called the â€Å"O*Net Interest Profiler,† this test allows you to take your results and use them to search the U.S. government’s vast database of career information.Cost: This tool is free to use (well, probably funded by your tax dollars- but no additional cost in the meantime).Skills ProfilerIf you’re looking for something more solidly skills-based than personality-based, the U.S. Department of Labor’s other career assessment, the Skills Profiler tool, might be a better fit for you. Instead of taking a personality type and matching it with a job, it lets you input either your current skills to find a matching career, or a job type to see what kind of skills you’ll n eed for it. This can be a good way to see if that job you want to apply for is a good fit for the skills you already have, or if you’ll need to do some building in the meantime.Cost: This assessment is free to use.PathSourcePathSource is a little different- instead of telling you which jobs you should pursue based on your personality or interests, it helps you figure out what kind of job you’ll need to support your lifestyle. It’s an app that assesses your personality and career interests, and also lets you know whether that job in library science is likely to support your caviar dreams. Or, more importantly, whether you’ll be able to pay back the student loans you accumulated in pursuit of your goals.Cost: The app is free to download from the Apple or Google app stores.So how do I use these results in my job hunt?Think of this test-taking as pre-work. You won’t be rattling off your MBTI results on your resume or dropping hints in the interview tha t your love of the color forest green makes you perfect for this job as a firefighter. These are merely in the interest of understanding yourself better, and giving you potential starting points (or eventual goals) that you can use to target your job search or align your goals.If you end up in a job or career that just doesn’t fit who you are, it’s likely that you’ll end up right back at this same place- trying to figure out what does make you tick, and how you can turn that into a more fulfilling job and career. Knowing what types of environments you thrive in, how you work with others, and how you approach the world in general can be invaluable information as you figure out which opportunities to pursue, and it’s an area that you can only access if you make the commitment to understand yourself better.Don’t forget, your resume is the next important step! You can also download free templates from our Resume Library to get started on your resume cr eation.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Choose the Right Extracurriculars for You

When it comes to your high school experience, academics and standardized testing are usually clearly mapped out for you. There are paths leading through course loads of varying difficulty; there are required standardized tests and well-known study tools to prepare for them; and your GPA is a clear indication of your success in your academic work. The academic side of things might be pretty clear, but the same can’t be said for extracurriculars. It’s hard to know exactly what role extracurricular activities should play in your high school experience, let alone on your college applications. Extracurriculars are a broad category to begin with — they seem to encompass everything from starting your own dog-walking business to participating in groundbreaking scientific research projects. So you might be wondering, what’s the deal? Are some extracurriculars more important than others? Which will be most heavily weighted on your college application? And how do you know which are worth pursuing? In this post, we’ll give an outline of how to choose extracurriculars that not only are personally fulfilling but also augment your profile as a college applicant. Read on for the five standards you should keep in mind when selecting an extracurricular activity. A little bit of insight can go a long way. Here at , we have a team of experts who have been in your shoes. Read through this guide on high school extracurriculars, and then check out our Near Peer Mentorship Program . You’ll have access to the insights of peer mentors who have been through this process and are ready to share with you all the ins and outs of choosing the right extracurricular activities. There is no simple answer to how important extracurriculars are on your college applications. There are definitely some schools to which you may apply that will admit you based off of your academic record and your essays and recommendations alone. Your extracurriculars might get little to no weight. More selective schools, though, tend to place a heavier weight on extracurriculars. Most of the students who apply to the most selective schools will be academically qualified. These students will have strong GPAs and great test scores. So what will set apart the elite 5-10% who ultimately get accepted to these schools? Many times extracurriculars mark the difference between a successful and unsuccessful application, so it’s worth knowing that they can play a big role in college admissions in some cases. The line between activities that you have participated in and activities that you can consider extracurriculars is somewhat blurry. In general, though, an extracurricular activity is one that you participate in regularly outside of your required academic work.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Threats to the Global Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Threats to the Global Security - Essay Example As the research declares the major world super powers (United Kingdom, Germany, France, China, Russia and the United States) followed a two-track policy that encouraged Iran to take part in the diplomatic negotiations as they continuously impose comprehensive sanctions a gains energy and financial sectors in Iran. Both the U.S and Israel encouraged the imposition of the sanctions and the search of the diplomatic resolutions as they give serious warning that there will be limited time for the policies and that all the available options for example military actions had only to be put on the table for discussions. According to the report findings nuclear -armed Iranian military in most cases posed a lot of threat to the Americas closest allies who were mostly in the Middle East. Israel on the other hand was also at great security risks as most of the leaders from the Iran continuously declared a war of trying to wipe out the Israel from the global map. Close allies of America like the Saudi Arabia had already been alarmed of the Iran’s aggressive policy thereby increasing their feeling bout threat by the Iran. For a very long period of time Middle East remained a significant source of the energy that was used in the U.S and the whole world . And for this reason, a nuclear-armed Iran sparked a nuclear arms race in the better part of the Middle East that for a very long time destabilize the volatile and vital region.