Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Analysis Paper - Essay Example These transitions are highly stressful and college years have been known to be the most stressful times in life. This stress is caused by academic, personal and social challenges. Students are expected to perform demanding tasks while adjusting to their new environment under minimal supervision. This stress has a negative impact on them which results to smoking, alcohol abuse and eating disorders. Research has shown that stress experienced in this period decreases mental health which leads to depression and low self esteem. Stress has become a major concern for the millennial student population and there is need to analyze this topic in relation to stress tolerance. It is important to note that people react differently to similar stressors. This paper agrees with this article and shall go into detail to explain why. College years are regarded as being the most stressful time in one’s life. The millennial age bracket has distinct features that entail the way they handle stresso rs. The sole purpose of the research discussed in the text was to make out lifestyle habits and coping approaches that are related to varying levels of stress tolerance among the millennial students in their college years. The methodology applied in this research was a random questionnaire that was conducted in a randomly selected college. The questionnaire included coping strategies, symptoms and checklists for stressors. The subjects were grouped into high stress tolerance and low stress tolerance and the STRs (Stress Tolerance Ratios) determined (Hellen et al. 362). From the results obtained, ten coping factors were connected to high stress tolerance, nine were put one in a situation of low stress tolerance while one was a protective factor. According to the findings of the study, it is clear that the lifestyle habits and coping mechanisms presently being used are ineffective. These strategies also put millennial students in a position of low stress tolerance. This article seeks to address the problem of stress experienced by millennial college students during the transition period. The study also identifies the strategies that are linked to low or high stress tolerance. This population is characterized by unique features thereby their stressors are also distinctive (Hellen et al. 365); thus the need for the application of non conventional coping methods. If some coping strategies are efficient, it is possible for students to develop their stress tolerance, not taking action when the stress is out of hand. This article mainly targets the college administration, teachers and general staff. It is an informative article that has information on the causes and symptoms of stress in the learning environment. It can be used as framework for formulating stress coping strategies. The article is also valuable to parents since it helps them to understand behavior of the millennial students and give them the necessary support throughout this period. The subjects themse lves are educated on how to cope with stress and develop high stress tolerance to the highly stressful college period. This is as clearly indicated in the essay. ‘Stress Tolerance: New Challenges for Millennial College Students’ is an effective essay because it is has been written is a clear language, has used supportive evidence to build on its argument and used transition statements to enhance flow. The writer has used simple and clear statements that are easy to read and understand. The essay has clearly

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