Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Personal Statement On The Ending Of A Friendship - 1628 Words

Introduction The band, Semisonic once sang in their hit song â€Å"Closing Time†, â€Å"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end†. I was lucky to stumble upon this lyric as I began writing my relationship analysis paper on the ending of a friendship because it helped me realize that just because this friendship may have failed, I’ve learned so much from it and I’ve learned what being a friend truly is. I have gotten to experience new beginnings from the ending of the one I had with Julie and have been able to grow from it. During my sophomore year of high school, I struggled with finding my identity. Was I the druggy, the goody two shoes, the athletic one? I had no idea. In math class one day a girl reached out to me though, and I thought I was finally going to find my identity. But, to my dismay I learned that my identity was not going to be found in Julie, I would have to find and create it myself. In this paper I will be analyzin g my friendship with Julie using Knapp’s Stages of Relational Development and I will also be applying two concepts, similarity and self-disclosure to the relationship from the book, Understanding Human Communication. Part 1: Case Analysis As I said earlier, I struggled with finding my identity and my close niche of friends during the beginning my sophomore year of high school. In my algebra class I finally made a friend I thought who could, possibly become my best friend. Julie and I had been acquaintances for a while. We went to middleShow MoreRelatedHow Social Media Has On Our Society1010 Words   |  5 PagesIn â€Å"Faux Friendship,† associate professor William Deresiewics discusses the affect that social media has on our society. Deresiewics originally published this piece in The Chronicles of Higher Education in December 2009, but this piece has been published in The Nation, The American Scholar, The London Review of Books, and The New York Times. 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