Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Role of a Leader in Change Process

The changing nature of the working environment in different organizations makes it important to have special leaders who are capable of convincing the rest of the workers to adapt to the changes. Individuals who are identified as leaders are expected to possess various qualities that enable them to influence change. A leader must be a person who can be trusted by the rest of the organization in initiating positive changes and ensuring that processes are carried out effectively.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Role of a Leader in Change Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The leader of a change process analyzes the events that have been part of the history of an organization by looking at what caused them and their possible effects. By so doing, he is able to assist the organization to avoid repeating past mistakes in the future. Leaders do not only know what happens in the organization but are well informed of the current trends. They consider the political and social issues that surround the organization and how these factors affect the change process. They have deep understanding of the causes of changes and respond to questions from other members of the organization. They provide solutions to problems facing by the rest of the organization members to make them feel part of the change process (Caeron Green, 2007). Responsibility of Leaders and HR managers in a Change Project Leaders and HR managers have different responsibilities in a change project. The first responsibility they have is that of analyzing the performance required in the change project. They have a responsibility of addressing internal and external players and stakeholders who are likely to affect the change project. Change projects are influenced by stakeholders from within and outside the organization. Some stakeholders may not be willing to support the change project hence they are likely to influence it negativel y. It is therefore the responsibility of leaders and HR managers to have quantitative knowledge of the team effort that will produce the highest level of success (ADB, n.d) The second responsibility of leaders and HR managers in a change project is identifying the priorities required to improve the performance of the teams. It is obvious that the success of the change project cannot be achieved through the effort of the leaders and HR managers alone. They need the efforts of other members of the organization in order for them to work as a team. The leaders and HR managers should have clear knowledge of the procedures being undertaken in the change project for them to have a vision of the direction being taken by the project.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The third responsibility leaders and HR managers have in a change project is the assessment of the ability of participan ts in a change project to change. This responsibility is tied with the responsibility of assessing how the team involved in a change project is able to learn new skills. This is important for leaders and HR managers because a change project basically requires that the team members be able to adapt to new behaviors. Organization Tactics to Ensure Success in Change Process For change to be effectively implemented in an organization, certain tactics are important. The first tactic that is important in implementing change is for the organization to develop a communication plan. It is not possible for an organization to be involved in so much communication during a change initiative. A communication plan is important since it guides the organization throughout the process by communicating critical aspects of the process effectively. The second tactic that can be used by the organization in implementing change process is to predict the reactions of change. Changes are often accompanied by varied reactions and an organization that predicts the reactions early enough is well prepared to deal with them. The third tactic an organization can use to implement the change process is to understand and make a plan of dealing with resistance. This will ensure that the organization is not caught unaware by resistance accompanying change (Biech, 2007). Reference List ADB. (n.d). Leadership and Change Management. Available from . Biech, E. (2007). Tactics of Successful Change Manageent. Retrieved from web Caeron, E., Green, M. (2007). Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools and. London: Kogan Page Publishers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Role of a Leader in Change Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Role of a Leader in Change Process was written and submitted by user Giada I. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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