Monday, February 17, 2020

Chapter2 (US Foriegn Policy) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chapter2 (US Foriegn Policy) - Essay Example The  U.S.A’s â€Å"Secretary of State†Ã‚  is officially the  foreign minister  and is in charge of handling all foreign relationships with other countries of the world. Despite the fact that the  president  possesses vital authority for deciding upon the foreign policy for US, the policy is embedded with certain guidelines and unchangeable fixtures which define the  national interest along with certain policies towards other countries, regional blocks and America’s own interests in the affairs of other countries. The policy is altered with respect to certain emerging conditions such as that of 9-11 situation after which the American foreign policy towards the Muslim world, especially the Middle East Block drastically moved towards new paradigms (Rahman, 2002). United States has battled for absolute supremacy since World War II and it has been somewhat successful in its aim. Middle East has been in the eyes of US interests and a part of its foreign pol icy since number of years. The first epoch of determining and shaping US policy interests in the region initiated after World War II during 1945 till 1973. Basic US interests were to have a free access to oil reserves and build relationships with major countries of the Middle East. As a part of its policy it also included to protect Israel’s regime after the Arab-Israel War of 1948. The second phase of US policy’s were defined in 1973-74 because of the Arab oil embargo of 1973 which caused to a oil price hike and economic recessions in major parts of the world. As a result of this, US had to re-examine its policies and make different problem solving approach to handle the situation. The approaches that were deployed as a part of US foreign policy were to increase the dependence of oil exporting countries by protecting them and increasing the arm sales to those countries. Orientalism was a part of US problem solving approach during that era and further it tried to preve nt Soviet Union to take part in affairs of the region since it was a counterpart to US at the time. The Islamic revolution of Iran in 1979 marked the third stage of reshaping the US policies in the Middle East. The revolution was considered as a terrible threat to US interests since it gave rapid rise to anti-Americanism among the Muslim countries and kept the oil prices soaring. This called for a new thinking as the traditional policies of Orientalism were not appreciated. The Orientalism theory was based on Western cooperation with the authoritarian Middle East regimes which were corrupt and rich which sparked a growing feeling of alienation among the minor countries of the Middle East (Sadowsaki, 1993). During the phase, US continually struggled to establish peace among the Arab–Israel Countries and at the same time it aimed to have a steady supply of oil at reasonable prices. The fourth and major phases of US foreign pol

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